Online registrations are now open for the 2025 summer season.
If you need to pay via internet banking please email us BEFORE attempting to register your child
To find out more about registration for Te Awamutu AFC for 2024, including grading instructions for your child, details of fees, payment information, 2024 season dates and more, check out the detailed information here.
If you have any further questions about registration, please contact us.
- Click the appropriate button below that suits either yourself or your child
- Enter the player details first. When entering the date of birth make sure to click on each of the pop-up calendars to confirm it. Answer a few questions about how you heard about the club etc
- Where it says "Choose Teams" click the blue drop-down box labelled "2024 Winter Season" select from the age group options available for your child's date of birth.
- If you have another child (of any age) to register click on the green button 'Add another player' before proceeding to the next step.
Registration fees are to be paid online through Friendly Manager at the time of registration and can be made via debit or credit card online when working through the registration process. The club wants to ensure that the oppurtunity to play is there for all so if you need to set up a payment schedule in order to make this work for your family, please contact our club Treseasur on prior to registration so appropriate arrangements can be made.
If you need to pay via internet banking please email us BEFORE attempting to register your child
Any outstanding registration fees from last years season or outstanding fines must also be paid or have an approved payment plan in place with the club prior to registration for the upcoming season. If you have any outstanding payments with our club or any other club within New Zealand you will be unable to register until you have paid the amounts outstanding and the red flag in NZ football's Comet system has cleared.
Please contatct: for more details
If you are registering Senior and Junior playing members in the family, please register the Junior members first. After you enter the guardian details, you will be sent a login you can then use to register the Senior Member.
Multiple Junior & Youth members can be registered at the same time now, after entering the first child select "Add Another Child"
You can also enter multiple guardian details if you choose to both receive club communications.