Term 3 30 September 1&2 October 2024 School Holiday Program - Tū Manawa Community Activation
These programs are forever evolving, but one thing is noted the kids love getting out and so do our coaches and volunteers. Thanks to Sport New Zealand 's Tū Manawa fund, supported by Sport Waikato our Tū Manawa Community Activation Application - Community Football Holiday Program remains at $20 for Term 3 2024.
This means as well as operating over three days, there's options to do $20 one day or $60 all three. Limited spaces so dont delay. Based on Feedback we will be a 3.30pm finish time and girls group. ( which we tested Monday of last program)
When: Monday 30 September, Tuesday 1 October& Wednesday 2 October
Time: 9am - 3.30pm Daily (can drop off from 8:30am)** New Pick up time.
Where: Te Awamutu College. - Main Gym Area/ School Grounds, Te Awamutu
Bring: Sneakers/Trainers , Boots, socks, shin pads, hat, water bottle, Morning Tea, Lunch, Afternoon snack - Goalies remember your gloves.
Added to each day is something unique
30 September - Kickwall Competitions and Expleo BBQ - www.expleo.co.nz
1 October - Hungerball Bay of Plenty - https://hungerball.com/locations/bay-of-plenty/
2 October - F45 Trainging Te Awamutu
Mr Whippy- Free kids Ice Cream
Fun skill activities each day, various games throughout the day, football games, skills areas, make up your own drill activities,
Awesome value - Book now for one, two or three days of fantastic football experience with kids that just want to have fun at our program.